5 New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Keep


Do you make New Years Resolutions?

Research shows that 80% of people let their resolutions fade by the second week of February. Why? There are many reasons but some of the top reasons is that they are not S.M.A.R.T. goals, or they are too restrictive (things like cut out carbs, cut out alcohol, stop eating after 7PM).

I am not a big fan of taking things away, and would rather focus on the positive. Avoid putting a negative spin on your resolution to increase your chances of success!

Here are 5 resolutions you can actually keep throughout 2019!

  1. Find an exercise that you love. My husband and I joined a gym two years ago in preparation for our wedding. I had always read stories about people finding their community, but never had experienced it myself, but that was because it wasn’t a perfect fit for ME. This year I encourage you to find an exercise that you love, whether it is at a boutique fitness studio, by signing up for a 10K ,or joining a local curling club. Whatever it is, make this year the year you find the exercise that doesn’t feel like work to you!
  2. Show daily gratitude. In the 2018 Healthy Holiday Challenge we focused in finding the real meaning of the season by writing down one thing that we were grateful for each day. I encourage you to continue this into 2019! You can simply write it down in your phone, or pick up a gratitude journal. A healthy lifestyle is about more than just what you eat, and how often you exercise. Slowing down, and enjoying the joys of life is equally as important!
  3. Make time for YOU. To this one you might say “easier said than done,” however until you decide to put yourself first and focus on your health and wellbeing, you are never going to reach your goals, or be able to help others. This year commit to finding ways for putting yourself first, whether it is asking for help around the house so you can exercise/read a book, or saying “no” more often (FOMO is so 2018).
  4. Master meal planning. Meal planning is about thinking ahead of your busy schedule, and implementing a plan to make your life easier. Make 2019 the year that you master this life skill that will help you reach your health goals, save money, and decrease stress. It takes time to learn it, but I promise you, it’s worth it!
  5. Eat more vegetables. I know that this probably sounds super elementary, but focusing on eating more vegetables in 2019 will not only help you feel better – it produces results. I use the portion plate which features 50% non-starchy vegetables with all of my clients with goals from weight loss, to decreasing blood pressure or cholesterol, to improving blood sugars, to getting conquering PCOS and getting pregnant, to decreasing inflammation, and SO much more.

If you are looking to make a long term change in 2019, please contact me to set up your FREE discovery call today!

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