Stress Less & Enjoy More This Holiday Season


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful. Between work (Q4 deadlines are real y’all), holiday parties, shopping and travel there is simply too much going on in-between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

This year try to get ahead of the stress by making a holiday stress prevention list. Simply make a list of what you expect from yourself (and your family) during the holidays. While writing this list you just might find your potential stressors. These are things you feel like you are expected to do, but perhaps don’t have time for, or you feel like don’t add value during this busy time. Once you have your list written, write down what changes you can make to prevent stress in that particular situation. Finally go through your list and make the changes that will make the most impact on your stress level. For example, if you are stressed about making a family dinner – don’t offer so many entree options or ask someone to bring a dessert/appetizer/side. If you have items on your list that seem unrealistic (like creating the most festive holiday atmosphere) now is the time to let them go!

This holiday season I encourage you to do less and enjoy more.

Choose 1-3 holiday activities per week (work holiday party, shop at the mall, write cards) and say “no” to the rest. Don’t forget YOUR needs! Take 3 minutes every day just for you during holiday season. Try something like:

  • Writing in a journal
  • Meditating
  • Stretching
  • Listening to calming music
  • Reading a book or magazine

What do you do during the holidays to enjoy more and stress less? Leave a comment below!